Gift Pilot works seamlessly in 3 easy steps

Crafting your unique loyalty or gift card is incredibly simple, but if you prefer a hassle-free experience, our dedicated team can handle the entire process for you. Your vision, effortlessly realized by us.


1. Enter your store information

After registration, you will receive login information and then enter

relevant information about your store, add a favicon and store logo

2. Creating your Loyalty card

Create your loyalty card using our customizable templates

Use your colors, images, logo and decide how you will reward your customers.  For example: For every $10 spent, you get one point. Collect 7 points and you have coffee and cake for free!

3. Place it near the cash register or place it on your website.


Place it near the cash register or embed it on your website.

When paying, offer the customer to scan the QR code with his smartphone and enter your loyalty program and collect points.

And that’s it!


1. Enter your store information

If you haven’t created a store yet, create one…

2. Creating your Gift card

Create multiple tiers of gift cards for any store.

Just like Apple has $25, $50, and $100 gift cards for sale, you can create multiple gift cards for different amounts inside

Gift Pilot gift card

Customize your colors, images and logo

Gift Pilot gift card

 3. Share Widgets on the web or social networks

Once the gift cards are created, you can showcase them to using a simple link provided in the Gift Pilot software.

Customers can purchase gift cards for themselves anywhere including their phone or send to friends as presents.

Gift Pilot gift card